Easy Milk Barfi Recipe

Looking for a decadent yet simple dessert? Step into the delightful experience of Barfi recipe, a traditional, fudgy sweet from the essence of Pakistani culinary art, crafted mainly from milk solids and sugar. This treat offers a smooth, velvety texture and a deep, creamy taste with every morsel.

image of barfi recipe on kitchen table

Barfi is essentially a soft, milk-based confection that’s extremely popular in Pakistan. Picture it as a dense, melt-in-your-mouth type of sweet. The primary ingredient of this dish is milk solids, known as ‘khoya’ or ‘mawa’, blended with sugar to add sweetness. It typically takes the form of squares or diamonds and boasts a creamy, slightly crumbly texture.

The charm of barfi lies in its simplicity and the rich, creamy flavor that makes it undeniably appealing.

Ingredients used in barfi recipe

Ready to treat your taste buds to something truly delightful? Gather these ingredients to create your own batch of delicious Barfi:

  1. 1 liter of full-fat milk: The backbone of Barfi, giving it that rich, creamy texture.
  2. 250 grams of sugar: Adds the perfect amount of sweetness to balance the flavors.
  3. 200 grams of milk powder: Enhances the milkiness and helps in thickening.
  4. 100 grams of ghee (clarified butter): For that irresistible melt-in-your-mouth feel.
  5. A pinch of cardamom powder: Adds a subtle, aromatic flavor that’s a game changer.
  6. Chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios) for garnishing: Adds a crunchy texture and an elegant touch.

Cooking Tools required for barfi recipe

Start your Barfi-making journey? Here’s what you need to bring this sweet treat to life:

  1. A heavy-bottomed pan: Essential for reducing milk without burning, ensuring your Barfi has the perfect consistency.
  2. A wooden spoon: Your best friend for stirring the mixture continuously, preventing it from sticking to the bottom.
  3. A tray or dish: Greased lightly with ghee, ready to pour in the Barfi mixture to set.
  4. Measuring cups and spoons: Accuracy is key to getting the perfect taste and texture in your Barfi.
  5. A sharp knife: For cutting the set Barfi into neat, traditional shapes, making it look as good as it tastes.

How to make barfi recipe: Step by step process;

Follow these steps carefully to easily make delicious Barfi:

  1. Start by boiling 1 liter of full-fat milk in a heavy-bottomed pan. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
  2. Once the milk starts to thicken, add 250 grams of sugar and continue to stir. This is where the magic begins as the milk transforms.
  3. Add 200 grams of milk powder gradually, making sure to stir continuously to avoid lumps. This will give your Barfi that classic, dense texture.
  4. Mix in 100 grams of ghee (clarified butter) and a pinch of cardamom powder. The ghee not only adds flavor but also aids in the non-stick process.
  5. Keep stirring until the mixture thickens and starts to leave the sides of the pan. This is the crucial stage where your Barfi starts to take shape.
  6. Pour the mixture into a greased tray or dish. Flatten it with a spatula for an even layer.
  7. Let it cool for a few hours or until set. Once set, cut into squares or diamond shapes.
  8. Garnish with chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios) to add a crunch and a touch of elegance.

Expert Tip

Try infusing the milk with a tea bag of your favorite flavor—chai, jasmine, or earl grey—during the initial boiling process. This simple, unique step will imbue your Barfi with a subtle, aromatic essence that’s both easy to implement and delightful to taste, offering a personal touch that elevates the classic dessert into a gourmet experience, even for the novice home cook.

Serving Tips

Elevate your dessert by pairing your homemade Barfi with these delightful accompaniments:

  1. Masala Chai: The spiciness of the chai contrasts beautifully with the sweetness of the Barfi, offering a warming, comforting experience.
  2. Coffee: A strong espresso or a creamy latte can cut through the sweetness, providing a rich and robust flavor pairing.
  3. Fresh Fruit: Serve alongside slices of mango or a berry mix to add a refreshing, tangy twist to the creamy, dense Barfi.
  4. Vanilla Ice Cream: A scoop of vanilla ice cream beside a piece of Barfi creates a classic hot-and-cold dessert combo.
  5. Saffron Milk: This luxurious, fragrant drink complements the cardamom and milk flavors in Barfi, enhancing its richness.

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Storage Instructions

To ensure your Barfi stays as delicious as the day you made it, follow these straightforward steps:

To Store:

Allow the Barfi to cool completely after cutting. Place it in an airtight container, separating layers with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, ensuring it retains its texture and flavor.

To Reheat (if desired):

Although Barfi is typically enjoyed at room temperature, if you prefer it slightly warm, microwave a piece for 10-15 seconds. This brief warmth can intensify the flavors and make the texture even more fudge-like.


So, I’ve just whipped up some amazing Barfi. It’s pretty cool how a few simple ingredients can create something so delicious, right? Making Barfi is like taking a mini-trip to Pakistan without leaving your kitchen. And hey, who knew something as cozy as stirring milk and sugar could be so much fun?

image of barfi recipe ready to be served

Now that you’ve got this sweet treat down, why not show it off? I am waiting to listen the reviews from you side.

Frequently asked questions

What is a barfi made of?

The traditional method involves a lengthy process of simmering milk until it thickens into a dense, dough-like substance called khoya or mawa. However, a more modern and convenient approach to creating barfi utilizes milk powder, offering a faster route to this delightful sweet. This version is often flavored with cardamom and pistachio, enriching its taste and texture.

Why is my barfi too soft or too hard?

The consistency of barfi depends on how long you cook the mixture. If it’s too soft, it may need more cooking time to reduce further and solidify properly. If it’s too hard, it might have been cooked for too long or at too high a temperature.

Can I make barfi without sugar?

Yes, you can make barfi without traditional sugar by substituting it with alternative sweeteners like jaggery, honey, or artificial sweeteners suitable for cooking. Adjust the quantities based on the sweetness level and consistency of the alternative used.

How can I add different flavors to my barfi?

You can add a variety of flavors to your barfi by incorporating ingredients like cocoa powder, coffee, fruit purees, nuts, and spices during the cooking process. Experiment with different combinations to create unique variations.

image of barfi recipe ready to be served

Easy Milk Barfi Recipe

Discover the joy of making Barfi, a classic Pakistani sweet treat. Easy recipe with step-by-step guide, perfect for beginners. Share your creations with me.
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 25 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 4 People


  • 1 liter of full-fat milk: The backbone of Barfi giving it that rich, creamy texture.
  • 250 grams of sugar: Adds the perfect amount of sweetness to balance the flavors.
  • 200 grams of milk powder: Enhances the milkiness and helps in thickening.
  • 100 grams of ghee clarified butter: For that irresistible melt-in-your-mouth feel.
  • A pinch of cardamom powder: Adds a subtle aromatic flavor that's a game changer.
  • Chopped nuts almonds, pistachios for garnishing: Adds a crunchy texture and an elegant touch.


  • Start by boiling 1 liter of full-fat milk in a heavy-bottomed pan. Stir occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.
  • Once the milk starts to thicken, add 250 grams of sugar and continue to stir. This is where the magic begins as the milk transforms.
  • Add 200 grams of milk powder gradually, making sure to stir continuously to avoid lumps. This will give your Barfi that classic, dense texture.
  • Mix in 100 grams of ghee (clarified butter) and a pinch of cardamom powder. The ghee not only adds flavor but also aids in the non-stick process.
  • Keep stirring until the mixture thickens and starts to leave the sides of the pan. This is the crucial stage where your Barfi starts to take shape.
  • Pour the mixture into a greased tray or dish. Flatten it with a spatula for an even layer.
  • Let it cool for a few hours or until set. Once set, cut into squares or diamond shapes.
  • Garnish with chopped nuts (almonds, pistachios) to add a crunch and a touch of elegance.


Try infusing the milk with a tea bag of your favorite flavor—chai, jasmine, or earl grey—during the initial boiling process. This simple, unique step will imbue your Barfi with a subtle, aromatic essence that's both easy to implement and delightful to taste, offering a personal touch that elevates the classic dessert into a gourmet experience, even for the novice home cook.

I am Aleezay Khan, I enjoy experimenting with flavors, giving traditional Pakistani dishes a modern twist. Join me on a tasty journey where classic meets contemporary, creating unforgettable food adventures.

Aleezay khan recipe maker

Aleezay Khan

I am Aleezay Khan, I enjoy experimenting with flavors, giving traditional Pakistani dishes a modern twist. Join me on a tasty journey where classic meets contemporary, creating unforgettable food adventures.

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